About Us
The idea to form an association of Chest physicians in Kerala is largely owed to Senior faculty of this speciality in the state. Respiratory Medicine was one of the most developed speciality in the western world even in the nineties. Even though at national level we had organizations to nurture the growth of chest medicine, we never had one such association in Kerala. This caused a lack of recognition of Pulmonology as a speciality and resulted in sidelining Pulmonologists as TB specialists.
The first informal meeting of the new association was on 2nd August 1998 at IMA hall Cochin.The meeting discussed various aspects of formation of the organisation and decided to call a general body meeting on Sunday 20th Sept. 1998 at Cochin.
The first general body elected the following as office bearers of the association:
Dr. A Joseph Thomas – President
Dr. C. Ravindran – Vice President
Dr. Sunny P. Orathel – Hon Secretary
Dr. K.A. Sreevilsan – Jt. Secretary
Dr. K. Madhukumar – Treasurer
Dr. Ramesh Chandra Babu – Editor
A 10 member governing council also got elected. The name given to the association was “Kerala Academy of Pulmonology”. The general body decided to publish a journal and entrusted the work of draft proposal of bye – law to president and secretary. It was also decided to inaugurate the Academy on 14the Feb 1999 at Cochin. Prof. P. Ravindran was the Chairman of the organizing committee. Various committees were formed and they had hectic days ahead before the inauguration.
We will be failing in our duty if we do not mention the name of Dr. Ramesh Chandra Babu without whose vision Pulmon and Academy would not have been what it is today. The sudden and unexpected demise of Dr. Babu is a great loss to our profession and academy. On behalf of the Academy we once again salute this greatman for his valuable contributions. The work that was started by Dr. Babu has been effectively and efficiently carried forward by Prof. P.T. James, Dr. Kumari Indira and now Dr. K. P. Suraj.
The Academy is a registered forum at Ernakulam. Pulmon is also registered with the Registrar Newspaper of India,Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, New Delhi. Later the name of Kerala Academy of Pulmonology was changed to Academy of Pulmonary and Critical Care medicine. Over a period of 15 yrs, we have 397 life members and is sailing smoothly.
The Academy Of Pulmonary Medicine has various branches working at state and district levels :
CME Wing
-Is active in conducting Continuing Medical Education Programs state wide.
South Zone CME Coordinator – Dr. B Jayaprakash
Mid Zone CME Coordinator – Dr. Sajeev S Nair
North Zone CME Coordinator – Dr. Sunny George
Lung care Foundation
Is the philanthropic wing of the Academy headed by Dr. Vipin Varkey which is actively involved in promoting public health activities, public health promotion programs, medical camps, awareness programs and so on…
Please visit the Public health Page for details…
Chest Clubs :
The following are independent organizations affiliated to the Academy of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine keen at organizing CME programs and Public heath activities at their respective regions..
- TAPCCM – Trivandrum
- Kollam Chest Club- Kollam
- Alappuzha Respiratory Society – Alappuzha
- Kottayam Chest Club – Kottayam
- Cochin Thoracic Society – Kochi
- Thrissur Chest Club – Thrissur
- Malappuram Chest Club – Malappuram
- Palakkad Chest Club – Palakkad
- Calicut Chest Club – Calicut
- North malabar Chest Club – Kannur
- Kasargod Chest Club – Kasargod
- Coimbatore Chest Club – Coimbatore
- Mangalore Chest Club – Mangalore
Membership Details
Membership to APCCM is presently restricted to Qualified Pulmonologists.
PGs in Pulmonary Medicine can apply for the membership as Associate members. They will have all privileges of a member except participation in the election. The membership will be automatically converted to full membership on acquisition of the degree.
How to apply for APCCM membership ?
The APCCM Membership form is available in the downloads page at the bottom of home page. The filled up form with a DD of Rs 3000/- may be sent to Dr. Kurian Oommen, Treasurer APCCM, Thottathil, Kavumbhagom,Thiruvalla.
For more details contact – Dr. P. S. Shajahan, Secretary APCCM at secapccm@gmail.com.
Registration to this website :
Registration to this website is open to all members of APCCM. You can register from the Register Now option in the Member log-in dropdown at the top-right corner of this website and give your correct details there. The registration will be kept pending untill your membership in APCCM is confirmed by the administrator.